May 5, 2014

Three Break Up Movies Which Encourage You To Keep On Living

After a full week of wallowing and self-pity phase, now I’m ready to move on to the next stage of break up, ready to letting it all go. I kinda rewatched all those break up movies which will give me some positive energy to move on with my life. Since he said that “we’re not going to work out” or “you deserve someone better”. Oh come on, you know, we haven’t tried it yet, how come you tell me such things? Well, maybe he’s not brave enough to do all those things with me. Well, I’m kinda still in the denial phase, but today I’m so ready to move with my life and I want to share the movies that kinda motivate me and giving me positive vibes to keep on living.

      Annie Hall
I remember telling him that I didn’t like Annie Hall because it’s too personal. Well, I was wrong. I kinda like this movie. It kinda represents my experience about not-so-working relationship and how to letting it all goes. Woody Allen, made such a good personal film about him, and it made me feel I’m not alone. I’m not the only who have experienced this pain. There are a lot of people before me. About, how we were falling in love in the first part, and then one of us felt that it wasn’t right anymore. How we couldn’t be apart with each other after we broke up, but it’s not right to be together all the time like we used to. In the end, Alvy was having a hard time dealing with his break up, but he managed to fix it all and be friends with Annie instead. I want to be Alvy, I want to move on like Alvy and still be friends with Annie. But I think I need process and the best quotes in this movie that gave me a positive vibe and making me ready to face the reality is this:

Well, I guess that's pretty much now how I feel about relationships; you know, they're totally irrational, and crazy, and absurd. But, I guess we keep goin' through it because, uh, most of us... need the eggs

      500 Days of Summer
Tom had been madly in love with Summer for 500 days, after a series of phases to get him back to his own feet, in the end, he was ready to face the reality after a bad break up with Summer. I’m Tom! I was madly in love with this guy, well I can’t say I was in love, but it was pretty much almost there. We had our moments, it was sweet for a while and then he told me reality hit us hard and we have to break up.

This movie taught me to keep on living, because somehow in the end, you’ll get your sweet closure and you’d be ready to move on. Eventhough to reach the closure is super freaking hard. But through the process of bad break up, I know you’re going to be someone better and probably smarter. My favorite Tom’s line is this:

“You know what sucks? Realizing that everything you believe in is complete and utter bullshit”

Tom represents me so much, while Summer’s line, which my favorite too, that makes me see through His eyes is this.

“What happened? Why didn’t they work out” “what always happens. Life”

And the narrator’s line:

“Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together"

      Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
This one is a movie by Michel Gondry is always be my favorite breakup movie. I was dreaming I could go to the clinic and just erase all my bad memories with anyone who I’ve broken up with. But, this time, no, I don’t. I don’t want to erase my memories with him, I will always cherish it because I once knew a guy that was so sweet and positive and I want those memories keep on living in my head. The same like Joel didn’t want to erase his memories with Clementine in the middle of the process of memories-erasing. Well I guess it’s good to keep those sweet memories with anybody that once you were falling in love with. To realize, he was once that person. I mean, breaking up doesn’t mean you have to forget what you’ve been through with him, it’s just one of you doesn’t feel like it’s right anymore to date.

I remember Joel said…

“I’m just… happy. I’m exactly where I wanna be”

I was happy. And I was exactly where I wanna be.

I recalled that I still have so many plans with him, like we’re going to watch these movies (most of my favorite one) together. Or that plan about how we’re going to meet, and we’re going to visit Iceland someday. It’s still there; I don’t want to erase it. Because it made me feel how good and happy it was when you’re falling in love. And it doesn’t mean we can’t do our plans together. Maybe someday, if we ever meet, we would do it. But if we won’t ever meet, I’ll just cherish it as sweet memories that I’ve experienced.

That was the three breakup movies, that could totally help you going through your process of breakup. You probably should check that out. And if you ever experienced one, don’t ever feel that you’re alone and maybe don’t think to kill yourself. I know it’s devastating, but somehow, people are experienced it long before us, and they managed to succeed and keep on living with their own lives J