Aug 7, 2014

The Double

So they said The Double isn't really that great.

Many reviews pointed out that Richard Ayoade (the director) was a little bit Wes Anderson-y, because of his previous film, Submarine. To be fair, I haven't seen that movie (promise you I will and I will review it) but, I don't care. I think and I really honestly think that The Double is one of a killer movies that I've watched. By killer, I meant super cool and stuffs.

So Ayoade opened with Simon's (Jesse Eisenberg) daily routine which was really boring. And then out of the blue, his doppelgangger came to his life and beat him up in everything, like work performance, how to stole a woman's heart, basically everything. They said this movie was an adapted classic tale by Dostoevsky. But Ayoade wrapped it super nicely.

I love everything! the movie itself is so stylish! I always love stylish movie. How he play the lighting so it affected the mood to the viewers. He play every element (like sets and lightings and angles) to shake your heart up. This is a very nice movie. And the idea talking about someone who people thought he didn't exist but he did was new to me. So I really like the story, and the script was written pretty nicely and not very confusing, since for me, this is a sort of complicated movie. But it's fun to watch! You'll be amazed with the sets and the lighting play, it's like you're watching a play in so many different angles. It's crazy!

So, I love The Double and I'm gonna give 4 out of 5 and I'm responsible for it :)

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