Jan 20, 2014

One Direction: This Is Us

Why the fuck One Direction made a movie about them that has no point at all. Why even made a movie in the first place? and it's in 3d?!... Gravity deserves 3D movie, Man Of Steel deserves 3D movie. But this? Like it's going to make an effect to the viewers? Why so hard trying?

Don't get me wrong, I like One Direction. They are attractive young men. But, why did they have to make a movie about them showing off to the world that they have million of fans? We all know that, they shouldn't make 1 and a half hours movie about it. Luckily, they call this a concert movie. If they called this a documentary, they should freaking apologize to Michael Moore.

Honestly, if I wrote a movie review, it means I've watched it. Yeah, I've watched this movie. and I hated wasting my time watching this but it was a guilty pleasure, you know. 5 attractive young men with sweet voices. I'm in between! FYI, Martin Scorsese is one of their fan, so I'm good, right? And my rating for this movie... Oh gosh, no. I don't even want to rate this movie. My suggestion, if you like crappy movies with attractive actors, you should probably watch Magic Mike. If you don't, you should watch Fight Club, it has a good storyline, Brad Pitt and Edward Norton (what could go wrong, huh?). If you are a directioner, maybe you should watch this movie, well I know you've already watched it.

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